Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Hong Kong & Macau


Membership Options

Choose the best option to suit your needs:
AustroCham offers Corporate, Individual, Family, and Student Memberships

Corporate Membership

Membership fee: HKD 5,700 (per year, including 1 nominee)

A legally constituted business may apply for a Corporate Membership and nominate one person to be its Corporate Nominee. Additional nominees are charged at HKD 1,550 each per year. The Corporate Member is entitled to change its nominees once per year.

The Corporate Nominee will be accorded voting status.

Individual Membership

Membership fee: HKD 1,688 (per year)

Any natural person may apply for membership as an individual member. Any individual member who is employed by or is a partner of an unincorporated firm, association, or other entity may apply for membership as an Individual Member representing a firm.

Both types of Individual Members shall be accorded voting status.

Student Membership

Membership fee: HKD 360 (per year)

A natural person registered with a university, college or school as a student may apply for membership as a student member.

Student Members shall not be accorded voting status.

Family Membership

Membership fee: HKD 2,588 (per year for two family members)

Any natural person may apply for membership as a family member, comprising two family members under one membership.

Family Members are accorded full voting status

Honorary and Lifetime Membership

Invited at the discretion of the Executive Committee, an Honorary Member shall not be accorded voting status. Among others AustroCham extends Honorary Memberships to the following:
  • Austrian Consul General of Hong Kong & Macau
  • Austrian Trade Commissioner in Hong Kong & Macau
  • Lifetime Membership is bestowed by the Executive Committee on individuals who have received this honor for their exemplary contribution and continued dedication to AustroCham.
  • Lifetime Members are accorded full voting status.

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